Meeple Station Wiki

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Updated for version 0.6.03 - 26th April 2019

Research mode (or only called "research") is most important for the space station's survival.

In this panel, the player can research important technologies to improve the station:

Name Requirements Description
Advanced Refining
Advanced Refining None Upgraded your Refinery to be able to refine advanced minerals.
Advanced Circuits
Advanced Circuits None Allows the creation of advanced circuits, used in most advanced technologies.
Botany None Enables hiring Botanists, and Planting Bay constructions. Used to create better food at a much quicker rate.
Body Armor
Body Armor None Greatly increases the health and resistance for all of your Meeple
Clearance Levels
Clearance Levels None Unlock's the ability to lock Bulkheads to only allow passage for certified personnel.
Shield generators
Shield Generator Advanced Circuits Enables construction of Shield Generators, which are able to store power to absorb various projectile attacks.
Anti-Ship Turrets
Anti-Ship Turret Advanced Circuits Enables construction of Anti-Ship Turrets, used to fight off enemy bombers and other large hostile threats.
Fuel Processors
Fuel Processor Advanced Refining
Advanced Circuits
Enables construction of Dilithium fuel processors, and hiring quantum physicists to maintain them. Dilithium fuel is used in various technologies.
Quantum Engines
Quantum Engine Fuel Processors
Advanced Refining
Advanced Circuits
Enables construction of quantum engines, used to travel around the quadrant.
Dilithium Reactor
Dilithium Reactor Fuel Processors
Advanced Refining
Advanced Circuits
Unlock's Dilithium Reactor which consume fuel to produce large amounts of advanced power.

Version: 1.0.9

Icon Name Requirements New research Unlocks
Waste Processing
  • Basic Botany
  • Biomass Compressor
  • Waste Processor
  • Biomass production using Waste Processor
Comms Relay
  • Trade Agreement
  • Comms Relay
Combat Training
  • Body Armour
  • Clearance Levels
Glass Sculpting
  • Glass Hull
  • Glass Wall
  • Glass Door
  • Glass Chair
  • Glass Table
  • Glass Bed
  • Tinted Glass Hull
  • Tinted Glass Wall
  • Tinted Glass Door
Large Container
  • Large Vents
  • Massive Container
Advanced Electronics
  • SI Drive Engine
  • Laboratories
  • Ore Detection
  • Fuel Processors
  • Advanced Power Production
  • Advanced Electronics production using Refinery
  • Computer Core production using Refinery
Basic Botany Waste Processing
  • Decorative Gardening
  • Improved Botany
  • Breathing Apparatus
  • Hydroponics - Vegetables
Biomass Compression Waste Processing
  • Biomass Compressor
  • Wood production using Biomass Compressor
Massive Container Large Container
  • Massive Container
SI Drive Engine Advanced Electronics
Laboratories Advanced Electronics
Ore Detection Advanced Electronics
Fuel Processors Advanced Electronics
Advanced Power Production Advanced Electronics
Trade Agreements Comms Relay
Body Armour Combat Training
Clearance Levels Combat Training
Large Vent Large Container